咫尺天涯の傳說 发表于 2017-4-15 18:40:40

+25 English ten sentences!

As the layer of destructive or discordant thought-form surfaces, nature will mirror unto oneself one's own unconscious state of being. 当破坏性的层面或不和谐的思想形态浮现,自然界将对你反映你自己的无意识存在状态。
The notorious thief will be put up for trial next week. 臭名昭著;出庭受审
All the approaches to the palace were guarded by troops.道路;宫殿;把守;部队
That's the nearest approach to a smile he ever makes. 那已算是他能做出的最近乎微笑的表示了。
The cheque is not valid if it were not signed by the finance director. 如果没有主管财务的董事签字支票就无效。PS:A valid objection 有根据的反对
Please hand on the magazine to your friends. 请把这本杂志传给你的朋友们看。
You never fail until you stop trying.
The sound effects had been pre-recorded and were added to the dialogue. 音响效果经预录后已加入对话中。
Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays. 激光;手术
Your unforgettable experience of camping. 你难忘的露营经历
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